How Much Do Holidays Cost in the UK?


How Much Do Holidays Cost in the UK?

A holiday is a day allotted by law or custom where public activities, particularly work or business including school, are either suspended or completely reduced. In general, public holidays are held to let people to celebrate or commemorate something of societal or historical importance. Holidays have become so common that it is now possible to book hotels, restaurants and even resorts for the whole duration of a holiday. Some popular public holidays in the US include Christmas, New Year’s, Good Friday, Independence Day, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve. There are also other national holidays, such as Veterans Day, Flag Day, and National Volunteer Week.

When it comes to British English, the traditional British English breakfast contains three portions: bacon, eggs and toast. Some sections of the UK go even further, with special dishes like “jolly jape” or “pudding”. Eggs are traditionally served alongside bacon, but many will have egg-less omelets instead, sometimes with toast too. A tip to the British English cook is to always use butter for cooking, as it melts very well, and will not stick to the pan. Other things to watch out for when preparing a British English breakfast are the amount and thickness of cream in the pudding and the topping.

American holidays follow a more laid back style. There are no huge parties or fireworks, though outdoor activities such as barbecues are widely celebrated. The main American holiday is Thanksgiving, which falls on the first Wednesday of the November calendar. Unlike in the UK where it is an entire week, Thanksgiving in the United States is divided into three phases. First, the Thanksgiving dinner is normally served at a family house or table; Thanksgiving feasts are eaten at friends’ homes or their work place; and children’s parties are held before heading off to school. Each of these phases has its own customs.

Both holidays have plenty of food to enjoy: turkey and ham are standard fare; fresh cranberry sauce is a must have, especially if you have made your own ham. You might enjoy baking your own pumpkin pie, too. Americans tend to be healthier eaters than people in Britain. Meals are generally less fatty and less salt. Americans spend a lot of their holidays in front of the television, and if you are one of them, you might enjoy watching programmes from all over the world rather than the local programmes. British holidays are a lot more relaxed, with people enjoying time spent relaxing in their gardens and getting some exercise.

An average British holiday tends to be relatively short – usually from three days to five days. There is usually one major public holiday, which is usually on a Saturday, and two religious or social holidays, which are usually on a Wednesday and a Sunday. In between these there are usually a few smaller public holidays, each with its own story to tell.

Holidays vary across the UK according to whether it is a public holiday or a private one. Public holidays include everything from Christmas to New Year’s, and tend to be very crowded. Private holidays are usually less crowded and more quiet, with fewer people visiting at any one time. If you are on a fixed pay rate, your annual salary will usually more than cover your holiday costs, but if you are lucky enough to work for an employer who puts you on a part-time basis instead, your holiday money can go a long way towards paying for your trip.